9.8 miles 1717 metres
Start Wednesday 04.25
A'Chailleaach 05.44
Sgurr Breac 06.11
Sgurr nan Each 06.55
Sgurr nan Clach Geala 07.24
Meall a' Chrasgaidh 07.41
Time: Estimated 4.00 Actual 3.16
Tony writes:
“They slept with their boots on” … well at least I did as I awaited the arrival of Rob. I was eventually away by 4.30 am. The weather promised good views but we were in a window – all the hills to the south were very dark. I was particularly hoping for a good clear day on these hills as I had never ventured on them before. They were, except Sgurr nan Clach Geala.
It was fresh on top and my best leg so far – I was beginning to move a lot better. I still knocked my ankle on the col between Sgurr Breac and Sgurr nan Each and had to limp along for 10 minutes before it eased up. Nevertheless I managed to run the descents and the flats.
Having not done anything for a month prior to Ben Sgritheall (due to my twisted ankle on the Stuc a' Chroin fell race) I was pleased that the power in my legs seemed to be there.
Things were going so well that I decided to launch my attempt on the “Munro speed record” between S. nan C.G. And Meall a' Chreasgaidh. I knew I was risking the ankle but thought it worth it. Unfortunately the descent of S. nan C.G. was rocky (not shown on the map) and I lost time. I limped across the col between the two but slowly saw my attempt being blown away in the wind – I eventually settled for 17.02 minutes.
John was waiting at the summit and hared off eastwards whilst I took a great deal longer getting to the car than expected – the descent was steep and rocky (not marked on map) and my path had been largely washed away by the stream – the banks of which were due to follow. Five new Munros and a top – a good haul for a few hours' work.
Peaks done 91 time taken 4 days 5 hours peaks to do 186
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