11.0 miles 1045 metres
Start Wednesday 18.07
Conival 19.21
Ben More Assynt 19.38
Finish 20.35
Time: Estimated 3.00 Actual 2.28
Ian writes:
I felt fit for this one and enjoyed the run up the luscious green valley dwelling in the limestone depths. Up and up onto the great quartzite blocks where I enjoyed immensly the strenuous use of hands and feet.
Conival's view was sunny to the north but rain was fast advancing from the south west. This pushed my resolve on the ridge, and the prospect was considerably more dark and threatening from B.M.A..
Difficult broken stone on the descent lead down to a beautiful grassy ridge which dropped into the mire. A faint path was picked up only to deposit itself at periodic intervals in the muddy depths. Speed came with the midges and I joined Dave at the car with time in hand.
Peaks done 104 time taken 4 days 18 hours peaks to go 173
Dave had meanwhile driven round from Inchnadamh to Ian's finish in Glen Cassley. They continued together.
There is no charge for reading this account but please consider donating to Worldwide Cancer Research, the new name for the charity that we ran for.