22.0 miles 2110 metres
Start Wednesday 12.16
Am Faochagach 13.21
Cona' Mheall 14.08
Beinn Dearg 14.36
Meall nan Ceapraichean 14.54
Eididh nan Clach Geala 15.20
Seana Bhraigh 16.11
Finish 17.30
Time: Estimated 8.00 Actual 5.14
Alwyn writes:
What a cracking round! My first time on this spectacular group of hills, and a superb bright afternoon on which to enjoy it. The long initial grassy pull up Am Faochagach gives a superb aspect of Beinn Dearg and Cona Mheall encircling Choire a' Ghranda – a wilderness of silver slabs and steep cliffs cradling a blue-black lochan, set deep in the silent fastness of the hills.
Cona Mheall is a complete contrast to Am Faochagach, from this side a superb slabby rock pyramid giving an entertaining 1500 ft scramble up from the rock lip of a hanging valley where the outfall of a small loch spills directly over into a tumbling cataract down to the floor of the glen far below.
Beinn Dearg gives marvellous vistas of the peaks of the Fisherfield Forest, An Teallach, Torridon, the Great Glens and Kintail beyond – a jumble of peaks and ridges stretching to the far horizon.
The long haul out to Seana Bhraigh was rewarded by the awesome views down from the summit into the deep northern corrie far below; and by the fine views of the far north-west peaks of Cul Mor and Cul Beag, Suilven and so on.
A fine fast run via a good stalkers' path back to the forest and the Ulapool road beyond, to finish the leg in 5 ¼ hours.
Peaks done 102 time taken 4 days 14 hours peaks to go 175
The mothership now turned south for what was planned as a “let's go and do something else” time. In the end not much was done apart from the long drive down the Great Glen, eating and sleeping.
Ian and Dave had the hard task of keeping the whole show moving on their own, for a quick raid of the far north. Ian did most of the driving as well as the next leg.
There is no charge for reading this account but please consider donating to Worldwide Cancer Research, the new name for the charity that we ran for.